Sunday, March 2, 2008

Al was able to stay up the whole day yesterday. We even went for a short walk. We both were tired by the evening though. I was really surprised that he didn't need a nap yesterday. I could have used one myself! We were able to catch up on some recorded shows. I think we watched 4 episodes of American Idol. Eating is becoming more difficult for him. He says his tongue feels broken and it feels like razor blades in his throat. He says not being able to taste things is so frustrating. He can still smell stuff, but the taste buds are all messed up. He said that some sweet things taste bitter. I keep reminding him that food is for nutrition now and the doctors keep reminding him to get in enough calories. They said ice cream is great because it is loaded with calories. I made him a shake with some carnation, whole milk, a scoop of ice cream and 2 big tablespoons of peanut butter. He actually enjoyed it. So did the girls! We've seen a more sensitive side to Brooke lately. She will often go cuddle with Daddy and rub his head. Rachel doesn't really seem to get it just yet. She still keeps climbing on him and it makes me really nervous because he allows it!

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