Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Things went well today. My sister came in this morning. She and Rachel met us at the treatment center around 1:00. Rachel strolled right into the "infusion room" and gave Daddy a kiss. Then we left. They should be home soon. We spoke to the doctor this morning and he said Al can start chemo on Mondays as of next week. That will help with childcare. Also, that's his day off from work. And he would really like to work through this for as long as possible. The doctor also reiterated how important it is to practice those swallow exercises. And as with every visit, they reminded him to stay hydrated. He is forcing himself to drink lots of water so far. He said he felt fine when I left. We met up with some people from the chemo class. They greeted us with hugs. The only thing Al is complaining about is his neck. The doctor said it may have been aggravated from the surgery. He said a massage might help. I'm up for the task.

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